How to take care louhan fish

Below is tips for how to take care louhan fish. There are many things you should to know as basic

1. Aquarium Setup

Flowerhorn cichlids need large aquarium due to their large size and aggressive temperament. They should be kept alone or with other large aggressive cichlids from the same area. You can get more details from in you are interested to keep louhan fish as your pets

2. Feeding Flowerhorns

Flowerhorn cichlids are like most South American cichlids anything but picky eaters and they accept almost any food. They have high energy consumptions and need a lot of food to develop optimally.The fact that these large fishes require a lot of food also means that there is a large strain on the water and water changes should be do one to two times a week.

3. Breeding Flowerhorn cichlids

It is possible to breed Flowerhorn cichlids in aquarium tanks in the same way you would breed Trimacs and other large South American cichlids. You should however not expect to get Flowerhorn cichlids of the same quality as the parents. Some may be, but that is not guarantee.It takes knowledge about the the different strains and line breeding to create quality Flowerhorn fish.

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