Healthy oceans are essential for global food security, livelihoods and economic growth. The oceans cover some 72 per cent of the Earth's surface, and are both an engine for global economic growth and a key source of food security. The world faces one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century: how to feed 9 billion people by 2050 in the face of climate change, economic and financial uncertainty and the growing competition for natural resources. These multiple challenges require an integrated response and an urgent transition of the world economy towards a sustainable, inclusive and resource efficient path. Ocean health and productivity must be at the heart of global efforts to eradicate poverty, strengthen food security and build resistance to climate change.
For the first time, with a view to improving food security, eradicating poverty and delivering shared prosperity, global leaders, ocean practitioners, scientists, and representatives from government, business, civil society and international organizations will come together to explore action-oriented partnerships, governance arrangements, investment frameworks and new financing vehicles to turn the tide on the health of Oceans.
The Summit will demonstrate measurable steps towards critical internationally agreed targets for fisheries, aquaculture, habitat protection and pollution reduction. The Summit will also highlight the need to address the next frontiers of successful integrated approaches that include public-private partners, secure financing and catalyze good ocean governance while reconciling tensions and balancing priorities between (i) growth and conservation, (ii) private sector interests and equitable benefits for communities and (iii) ABNJ (Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction) and EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zones within the 200-mile limit from the coast). Moreover, the Summit will take stock of previous important regional and thematic ocean conferences and delivers a pathway towards prime positioning for the oceans on the international development agenda.
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The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.