30/04/14: World Aquaculture Adelaide Photo Competition Coming to a Close! Submit Today.


Photographers of all levels are invited to
submit digital photographic work on the
theme of Aquaculture and, in particular,
the tag line of ‘Create, Nurture, Grow’.
Submissions accepted from 5 April – 1 May 2014.

Submit your entries HERE.

Terms & Conditions:
Entry fee: Free
Eligibility: Open to all photographers, amateur to pro, worldwide.
Categories: There are two categories -
1. Students (under 18 years of age as a

t 30 April 2013).
Students must provide proof of their student status
(Student ID or verification by an advisor/teacher/
parent) and student ID.
2. Open (any age)

2nd Prize – AU$750
3rd Prize – AU $500
STUDENTs: 1st Prize – AU $750
2nd Prize – AU $500
3rd Prize – AU $250
Winning photographs in each category will be printed as
posters and showcased at the WAA14 conference

Bottlenose dolphin of the NMMP on mineclearanc...
Bottlenose dolphin of the NMMP on mineclearance operations, with locator beacon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Judges and Selection Process:
Initial judging will be carried out by a committee panel, the final 20 works will be viewed by a Judges Panel comprised of:
Our 3 judges will be looking for images that illustrate the Aquaculture theme in interesting ways that engage the viewer; originality and creativity, image quality, and
overall artistic merit. If your entry is judged in the top three in your division by the Selection and Judges Panel you will be awarded one of three major cash prizes.

Use Rights:
Each artist retains all copyrights to their own images BUT it is a condition of entry that the contestants grant Perendale Publishers Limited the full rights to use the winning images for the purpose of promoting aquaculture in published articles and in social media and web sites. With any use of images Perendale Publishers Limited will acknowledge the artists however this will be without further contact or compensation. Winning photographs will also be on display at the WAA14 conference venue.

Submission Specifications, Format & Reproduction:

  • All entries must be submitted online to photocomp@aquafeed.co.uk by midnight, Australian Eastern Standard Time, 1 May 2014.
  • Each artist may submit a maximum of 2 photos.
  • Work may be colour or black & white in portrait or landscape format
  • Your photos should be of a 2 x 3 ratio, 300 dpi RGB JPG or JPEG file. Photos outside these specifications will be accepted, but may be cropped and adjusted to comply with these specifications.
  • Works will be enlarged and reproduced to the scale of approximately 20” x 30”. Therefore, the submitted work must be of sufficiently high quality (eg. sharp, clear, good contrast, well-exposed images) for the reproduction and printing process.
*Acceptance notice: Everyone who submits an entry will receive an email notification of receipt. Following the judging process a second email will be sent notifying you of the outcome.*

 The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.

30/04/14: USA: Think Fish Sandwich Innovation

Consumption of sandwiches is commonplace in the American diet, but little is known about how they contribute to overall intake of recommended food groups. To describe the contribution of sandwich intake to the USDA Food Patterns (FP) components, one day of dietary intake from individuals age 1+ year (N= 9,317) in What We Eat In America, NHANES 2009-2010 was analyzed using the Food Patterns Equivalents Database (FPED) 2009-10. The FPED separates foods and beverages in the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 5.0 into 9 FP main components and 28 subcomponents. On a given day, 49% of individuals age 1+ year reported consuming a sandwich (M: 54%; F: 44%). Sandwiches provided 12% of the energy intake of the population, and contributed substantially to total intake of Protein Foods (23%), Grains (20%), Dairy (12%), and Vegetables (8%). In addition, sandwiches provided 15% each of Oils and Solid Fats. Analysis of FP subcomponents showed that sandwiches accounted for 60% of Cured Meat and 28% of Meat, Poultry, Seafood intakes overall and 29% of Cheese intake. They contributed 17% to Whole Grains and 20% to Refined Grains intakes. Sandwiches also provided 14% of the intake of Tomatoes and 13% of Other Vegetables (such as iceberg lettuce, onions, cucumbers, and peppers). These results can inform nutrition education initiatives and consumer messages aimed at promoting adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.

30/04/14: Child Friendly Fish Dishes

Although fish and algae are the only dietary sources of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a nutrient critical for brain development, fish is vastly under-consumed in children. Plant-based omega-3 fatty acids can be converted to DHA but the conversion is inefficient. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consumption of seafood twice a week. We examined if substituting salmon for chicken in childcare center lunch meals could increase preschoolers’ fish and DHA consumption. Participants ages 2 - 5 (n=45) were served eight study lunches (four chicken or salmon dishes) once a week over 8 weeks. Analysis of plate-waste showed no significant differences in energy intake when the foods looked similar, but when the fish dishes looked different, energy intake on “fish days” was lower than on the corresponding “chicken day.” However, DHA intake increased significantly on all “fish days”. These results indicate that fish and DHA intake can be effectively increased if fatty fish, such as salmon, is used as a substitute for already accepted protein sources in the childcare center menu.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.

30/04/14: First International Conference ‘Insects to Feed the World’

The first ever conference ‘Insects to feed the world’ in the Netherlands from 14-17 May will present the state of the art in research, entrepreneurship, gastronomy and policy discussion, about insects as a future food and animal feed source. More than 400 participants from over 40 countries will show the huge potential and exciting new possibilities, that insects for feed and food offer for entrepreneurs and how they can contribute to a more sustainable food sector. The conference is organised by Wageningen University in collaboration with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 
The conference participants represent research institutes, universities, national governments, international organizations, and private food and feed enterprises. These will discuss about food and feed safety, poverty alleviation, environmental impacts and business opportunities and challenges.
Attendance of the conference is open for journalists after accreditation. During the conference there will be daily updates for the press in the late afternoon (see below).
The conference programme starts with a keynote presentation of the Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. The opening session (afternoon of May 14th, 17:00 hours) includes speeches from the Netherlands Government, the Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and from the Kenia based International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology.

The conference will be held in Conference Centre Hotel De Reehorst in Ede, (near Wageningen) in The Netherlands.
Please note that also for journalists accreditation is compulsory, please contact: Insectstofeedtheworld@wur.nl. Attending the conference is free of charge for journalists. However, please note that the organisation is forced to charge 40 euro/day for catering services per person for accreditation more than one day. Please indicate which days you would like to attend and the number of staff joining.
Press briefings
The local press briefings are scheduled:
Wednesday May 14th, 18:30-19:00 h (after official opening starting 17:15 h)
Thursday, May 15th, 17:30-18:15 h
Friday, May 16th, 17:00-17:45 h (closure including conclusions and recommendations)
Saturday 17th, Excursions
During the conference a twitter team will send updates from @Insects2014 and with hashtag #Insects2014.
Further information
Further details are available on the website, see conference and latest information. Conference outcomes are available on FAO Edible insect.
More information on the conference can be provided via Insectstofeedtheworld@wur.nl or by prof. Arnold van Huis, Wageningen University, tel. + 31 317 484653 or arnold.vanhuis@wur.nl. Photo and video material is available on website FAO Edible insect. (Click on ‘Resources’ in left column on http://www.fao.org/forestry/edibleinsects/en/)
English: (Green) the Netherlands. (Light-green...
English: (Green) the Netherlands. (Light-green) The European Union (EU). (Grey) Europe. (Light-grey) The surrounding region. See also: Category:SVG locator maps of countries of Europe (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wageningen University is part of Wageningen UR (University & Research centre). The mission is ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’. Within Wageningen UR, nine research institutes both specialised and applied have joined forces with Wageningen University to help answer the most important questions in the domain of healthy food and living environment. With approximately 30 locations (in the Netherlands, Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia and China), 6,000 members of staff and 9,000 students, Wageningen UR is one of the leading organisations in its domain worldwide. The integral approach to problems and the cooperation between the exact sciences and the technological and social disciplines are at the heart of the Wageningen Approach.

The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.

30/04/14: 16th Annual Practical Short Course on “Food Extrusion: Cereals, Protein & Other Ingredients”

16th Annual Practical Short Course on
"Food Extrusion: Cereals, Protein & Other Ingredients"
(Formally Texturized Vegetable Protein and Other Soy Products)

When: August 17th-22nd, 2014
Where: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas USA

A one-week Practical Short Course on “Food Extrusion: Cereals, Protein & Other Ingredients” (Formally Texturized Vegetable Protein and Other Soy Products) will be presented on August 17 - 22, 2014 at Texas A&M University by staff, industry representative and consultants. The schedule of the course is Food Ingredients (Monday), Textured Protein Applications (Tuesday), Extrusion Processing (Wednesday), Cereal-Grain Applications & Downstream Handling (Thursday), and Flavoring and Product Development (Friday).

This program will cover detailed information on cereal grains, legumes, soy protein, dry extrusion; full fat soybean processing; extrusion-expelling of soybeans for making natural/organic soy flour; raw material selection, preparation and characteristics of soy flour, concentrates and isolates; extrusion hardware, single and twin screw extruders for cereals and TVP production; extrusion dies;  extruder trouble shooting effect of preconditioning; wheat gluten and its application; thermal and mechanical processing of cereal grains, high protein, whole grain products, coating of cereals and snacks, application of TVP in meat, meat products, vegetarian application; quality control and testing of finished products; high moisture meat analogs, soy flavor,  drying, toasting of food products, dry milling of cereals.

Demonstrations include producing natural/organic soy flour using extruder and expeller, TVP production by single and twin-screw extruders, fibrous soy protein, high moisture meat analog, bean based direct expanded snacks, sorghum based whole grain cereals, coating cereals and flavoring TVP products, and several others. 

Reservations are accepted on a first-come basis. For more information, programs and application forms, contact:

Dr. Mian N. Riaz
Food Protein R&D Center; Texas A&M University
Tel: 979-845-2774

 The Aquaculturists
This blog is maintained by The Aquaculturists staff and is supported by the magazine International Aquafeed which is published by Perendale Publishers Ltd.

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