24/02/14: Event: Oceanology International - Aquaculture conference

English: Floating aquaculture on Puget Sound.
Floating aquaculture on Puget Sound. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For the first time, the Oceanology International 2014 conference will include a conference on aquaculture, reflecting the growing importance of this industry in the marine environment. This conference seeks to promote collaboration between academia and industry in areas where there are opportunities for technology transfer.

What will the Aquaculture Conference involve?

The conference will focus on a wide range of production systems and species types, encompassing macro- and micro-algae, shellfish, crustacean and finfish, encompassing production for a number of different markets such as food chain, blue biotechnology and renewable energy/biofuels.

A Steering Committee of 6 technical and scientific experts will guide the subject areas of the Aquaculture session that seeks to address some of the constraints to the industry’s development. The session will also identify potential cross-disciplinary marine industry opportunities such as remote sensing, engineering and modelling, where aquaculture may benefit from the progress that has already been achieved in other sectors.

When/where is the conference?
The conference will take place on the 12 March 2014 at the ExCeL London Exhibition and Convention Centre.

For a full programme list and registration details, visit the Oceanology International website here.

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